About Me

Hi! My name is Carlos Andrés Gómez. I am 23 years old and I was born in Quito, Ecuador. I finished high school in Ecuador at the age of 17 and decided to do a year of exchange in Germany to get to know their culture and learn the language. After the year as an exchange student, I fell in love with Germany, so I decided to start my professional career in this country. Besides my hobbies like soccer, playing electric guitar, and playing chess, I also have skills in Adobe Photoshop, web design, and software development.

  • UI/UX
    Web/App Interface Design
  • Web Development
    Experience with HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
  • Graphic Design
    Experience with Adobe Photoshop
  • 2021-Current
    Dual student at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Mannheim (DHBW), Germany
  • 2020-2021
    International student at Studienkolleg Frankfurt, Germany
  • 2018-2019
    Exchange student at Leibniz Gymnasium in Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany
  • 2018
    Finished School with 4.0 GPA at Colegio de Liga, Ecuador
  • 2024
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Business Informatics/Application Management at Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Mannheim (DHBW), Germany
  • 2021
    Studienkolleg Frankfurt, Germany
  • 2018
    School Diploma at Colegio de Liga, Quito, Ecuador

My Services

Web Design

Crafting visually stunning and highly functional websites that engage users and enhance brand presence, ensuring a seamless online experience across all devices.

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UI/UX Design

Designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces that prioritize the user experience, enhancing usability and satisfaction through thoughtful interaction and visual design.

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Logo Creation

Creating unique and memorable logos that encapsulate brand identity, leaving a lasting impression and establishing a strong visual foundation for businesses.

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My Work

UI/UX Design

Travelo was an App, which was developed as a University project.

Photoshop Artwork

Gallery of my Photoshop work

Logo Design

Gallery of the Logos I have designed over the years

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